[Ansteorra] chivalry & stuff

Trish Kvamme ladyoftherose at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 5 08:10:05 PDT 2005

All these reasons ( as Kat so well voiced) are why I started doing the 
"salons" the first of which was at Steppes A&S.

the idea was and is to give the newcomers and curious a forum to go to and 
hear the "old timers" and those who have achived certain things in the SCA a 
forum to teach.

The first one was very successful, and I am about to launch another one, 
still pondering which event date to accept, as tons have invited me to do 
one at their event!

You would be amazed even that in the wake of all the enthusiasm and success 
for the first one, there were a couple people who growled and snarled at the 
thought of these... when I saw Kat's post, it kinda made me remember that 
part of creating the salons (laugh).

It takes more than enthusiasm and initiative to teach our newcomers, it also 
take fortitude and strength and the willingness to ever trudge forward no 
matter how much praise or adversity one gets.

It also above all things, takes a group of people who want to learn what it 
is the SCA has to offer, what our base line expectations of courtesy are, 
and the willingness to try others ideas to help shape our own traditions.

In the face of all of that, no wonder so many good people burn out :)


>From: Lori Campbell <countesskat at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
>To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] chivalry
>Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 07:29:27 -0700 (PDT)
> > I was once told that the reason "old timers" did not
> > spend a lot of time with newcomers was because they
> > were burned out teaching the newbees.
>I'm not sure it is specifically teaching new people
>that burns out the old timers.  I'd be more inclined
>to say their burnout comes from other areas of the
>game - areas that have nothing to do with the happy
>task of meeting and teaching new folks.
>This might come as a surprise to some, but I know of
>quite a few long-time players who have actually been
>told they need to "bow out and let the new generation
>take over."  In the face of such appreciation, I'm not
>surprised we lose some of them.
>For those who aren't dismissed or fried to a crisp, it
>is possible that they are just very busy and forget
>about teaching.  Or maybe they don't have a clue what
>they know that newcomers would appreciate learning.
>Perhaps they just need to be asked. :) I've tried that
>and seen it work wonders.  If nothing else it lets
>them know their knowledge and experience are valued.
>Kat MacLochlainn
>Wiesenfeuer, Ansteorra
>Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
>Ansteorra mailing list
>Ansteorra at ansteorra.org

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