[Ansteorra] Photos of Northkeep's Dionadair & Ensign Tournament

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya zubeydah at northkeep.org
Sun Oct 23 11:30:52 PDT 2005

I'm pleased to announce the posting of a goodly number of photos from Northkeep's annual Dionadair and Ensign Tournament on my new event photo site: http://photos.northkeep.org/

If you've never had a chance to visit, there's also photos from Mooneschadowe Guardian, Namron Protectorate, and Chemin Noir's premier event, Fair of the Harvest, and event reviews on my primary site, http://zubeydah.northkeep.org/

in service,

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya

Post Script: if you can help provide identification for any folks shown in photos that I don't have labelled, it would be much appreciated. 

Post-Post Script:  If you have photos of events you'd like to share  but don't have hosting space, I'm always very happy to host additional photographs, and am always looking for 'guest reviewers' for all and any event attended by Ansteorrans. 

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