[Ansteorra] Principality?

Faelan Caimbeul faelancaimbeul at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 20:13:29 PDT 2006

Weren't all Kingdoms, except West, East and Middle, all Principalities at
one time? How else would the Society grow? I understand not wanting to split
the Kingdom. I like it here. But I think using the possibility, years down
the road, that a Principality could become a Kingdom is a bad reason not to
form one. Just because we CAN do a thing, doesn't necessarily follow that we
MUST do that thing.

Of course, then there's Ansteorra. We already have Principalities, five of
them, we just call them regions, don't give them Royals, and apparently many
are in denial. 

I've heard the argument put forth that people don't want to deal with the
added beuracracy and paperwork. I don't understand where this is coming
from. If a region became a Principality, all that would change is titles
(Regional Seneschal becomes Principality Seneschal) and nothing would
change, including his job. He would still report to Kingdom, and the locals
would report to him. This is what happens now. 

The advantage is that we DO take some of the pressure off the King. Front
what I've been able to glean, it really is hard to handle our vast realm.
I'm sure He would welcome some help. A landed Prince can do that.


-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces+faelancaimbeul=gmail.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-bounces+faelancaimbeul=gmail.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Duncan MacNamara
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:27 PM
To: Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc.
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Principality?

Yes, I understand that it's political and not physical... but eventually, a
Principality would want to become a Kingdom in it's own right. I'm looking
at the long-term effects, and that would be a Principality turning into a
Kingdom. And I for one am not in favor of it. Or any course of action that
would result in splitting the Kingdom in two... and what purpose is there in
becoming a Principality, if not to eventually become a Kingdom, hmm?
  I understand the constraints which are being placed on people due to the
gas problem, and I don't like the gas prices any more than the next person.
In fact, I hate the rising cost of gas and everything else, especially in
light of the fact that minimum wage hasn't changed in many years. But I do
not think it's a valid excuse to start the ball rolling towards splitting
the Kingdom. Plus I do not think the Northern Region has the numbers to be
self-sustaining as a Principality, or eventually a Kingdom.

  Just my two cents. I'm an Ansteorran... and if the Northern Region becomes
a Principality... it's just a matter of time before the push to become their
own Kingdom.
  In Service,
  Lord Duncan MacNamara
  Admiral of the Ansteorran Royal Navy
  Commander of the HMS Iron Lotus
"Elisabeth B. Zakes" <kitharis at gmail.com> wrote:
  A Principality is a political and social entity, not a physical one.
There would be no walls and gates at the borders, so anyone can freely
go to any events they like.

Also, a Principality (or more than one) would not be splitting up the
Kingdom any more than separate Baronies are splitting up the Kingdom.
One can live in the Barony of Bloodstone in the Principality of
Nowhere in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, and one is still an Ansteorran.
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