[Ansteorra] Notes from the Marshallate at King's Round Table

Jean Paul de Sens jeanpauldesens at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 21:18:54 PDT 2006

Thanks to the diligence of Sir Gideon, I actually have notes to review,
clean up, and now pass on to the kingdom.  I will probably be publishing an
abridged version of these notes in the Black Star for August, but wanted to
get the information out as quickly as (work permitting) possible.

The meeting with the Kingdom Equestrian Office (HL Bridgette) about led off
the morning's work, but I will defer to her for posting the details in the
appropriate forums.

Regarding Armoured Combat, the following points were discussed:

   1. Armoured combat inspections.
   There was a discussion amoung the marshals and trainers present
   regarding the need for consistant inspection practices throughout the
   kingdom.  Many of the participants had several anecdotes about
   interesting/painful/just-plain-weird inspection practices performed
   onto/unto/with them.  A need for guidelines on chiv inspections was
   expressed fairly whole-heartedly.  The following actions are planned to
   remedy the situation
      1. Draft of an inspection policy.  This policy ill
         1. State the principals behind inspection (namely the
         desire to affirm that the fighter's armour is safe)
         2. Provide a sample inspection procedure for new marshals
         to consult.
         3. Delineate some improper inspection techniques.
      2. Provision of  visual image of areas that must be covered
      3. Post both items #1 and #2 to the Armoured section of the
      Ansteorran web site (http://marshal.ansteorra.org)
   2. Discussion of upcoming revisions to armoured combat rules.
   The Society Earl Marshal, in conjunction with all of the Earl Marshals
   of the known world has been working on a revised armoured combat handbook.
   HG Patrick Micheal, Sir Keif, and myself have been involved very heavily in
   the discussions, and have worked to make certain that our kingdom is allowed
   to continue fighting in the manner in which it has grown accustomed.  The
   rules should have been approved at the BoD meeting last weekend, but as of
   yet their status is uncertain.  These rules are a major improvement, IMO as
   the remove many ambiguities and some outright foolishness.  At Round Table
   two main items were the result of this meeting
      1. That following the release of the new rules, there will be an
      effort made in this kingdom to review our ruleset, and to revise
our rules
      with the goal of specifying only those items necessary for Ansteorra, and
      including a "See Corpora" for all other things.
      2. That all marshals should immediately review the new rules as
      soon as they are published.

Regarding Rapier Combat:

   1. Cut and Thrust
   As many are aware, Cut and Thrust (nee the Sidesword Experiment) is
   now back in existance.  C&T is a separate sub-branch of the Rapier
   Marshallate, and has it's own authorizing marshals and authorizations.
   Being Heavy Rapier authorized does NOT, repeat NOT, make a person C&T
   authorized.  Don Dore reminds all participants to be mindful of when your
   opponent is 'being nice" and to keep both blow giving and calling at
   acceptable levels.
   2. Blade Grabbing and Momentary contact
   Ansteorra is going to allow the recently permitted (under corporate)
   activities of blade grabbing and "momentary contact".  While the details of
   "momentary contact" are a lengthy discussion of its own course (feel free to
   post about it if you so desire), there are two points that must be made
   about these activities.
   1. Both you and your opponent must agree to allow either Blade
      Grabbing or Momentary contact during bouts
      2. The marshals on the field must be informed that said
      activity(ies) are going to be done during the bout.
   3. Curved blades are now legal for C&T and normal heavy rapier.  An
   approved blade list is forthcoming.
   4. Ansteorra needs to be mindful of the power with which we are
   hitting with on the heavy rapiers.  While I'm certain that we all want to
   know we received a good shot, we should not be feeling them days afterwards.
   5. A feedback system involving post cards is forthcoming from Don
   Dore, and I will leave it to him to provide more information about it.

Regarding Reporting:
Currently Quarterly reports to the Crown are one month out of sync with the
quarterly reports sent to the Society Earl Marshal.  As such, all reports
are going to be moved to the following formats:

   1. Those who are currently reporting monthly, continue to do so.  Your
   reports are due on 1st of the month.
   2. Those who are currently reporting quarterly (typically the
   Regionals, but also the Archery-KAS marshals) will move their reporting
   months from Jan-Apr-July-Oct to March-June-Sept-Dec.   That means that all
   quarterly reports will be due on the 5th of September.
   3. DEM's reports will be due on the 10th of the month.
   4. My report is due on the 15th.

Now, there's not a lot of time between those, so please, make sure you get
your reports in quickly.

Regarding Rules:
Finally, there's a note from their majesties that I wish to include.  We
must know and follow the rules.  It's tough sometimes, but we're supposed to
be honorable people, and honorable people follow the rules.

Final note:
I would like to reiterate to everyone that the purpose of all this stuff (I
almost used another word) is to allow and further the ability of us as a
group to have more fun.  I would ask that all people keep that in mind as we
go about our duties.  Also, should anyone have ideas that would
reduce/eliminate/circumvent the amount of non-fun work we have to do,
please, please, please let me know so that we can make it happen.

Sieur Jean Paul de Sens,
Kingdom Earl Marshal.

I want to fight and to strive, to vie with my opponents and friends, and at
the end of the day cry out "ENOUGH!!! For I can lift my arms no longer"

That is what is good in life.
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