[Ansteorra] Cookies and merit badges

gail young gwynethb63 at yahoo.com
Mon May 22 04:00:17 PDT 2006

I think we DO have cookies and merit badges...we just don't call it that.  We like to believe that in giving awards (especially peerages) we are recognizing that noble quality that was found in all good peers of the realm in whatever our personal version of the middle ages happens to be.
  What we are doing is recognizing abilities, work, and personality.
  When you have someone who has charisma, good looks, or whatever, that most everyone likes, then people WANT to give them things..circles fight over who will get them first..mostly they are no more talented or capable of doing the job of that peerage than another who is not so "likeable".
  The circles (mine at least) do not like "skipping" badges...you are very unlikely to be made a Laurel if you haven't been given an Iris. 
  Most circles have "A" and "B" lists (or have had at one time)...
  I think using the words "cookie" and "merit badge" are probably very simular to using the term "active"..not PC.  But you can call a horse a lot of things...it's still a horse<G>

Jean Paul de Sens <jeanpauldesens at gmail.com> wrote:
  Due to the long drive home this afternoon, Gilyan and I landed upon the subject of "cookies and merit badges" and wondered at the negative connotation associated with such things.  So we're wondering:

What's wrong with merit badges?  What about the system is offensive and/or wrong?  

Jean Paul

P.S., please try to keep the "I like chocolate chip" responses to a minimum as I'm genuinely curious about this question.

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