[Ansteorra] Armor standards and the SCA minimum

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 8 08:21:37 PST 2006

One thing that I think we have gotten away from in the general discussion
is that we also need to monitor the stricter standards that are being 
to the general armoring standards. Syr Jean-Paul stated the latest rule 
was the minimum that the kingdoms could agree on. There are kingdoms
out there that want far stricter rules placed on the Society level.

One thing we need to worry about with just following the Society standards
is to put a check on overarmoring standards with no data to back it up. I'm
all for increasing armor standards if overall fighting has developed to an 
that fighters are in danger with the current rules. But to have the rules
changed because X person or kingdom thinks it's a good idea with no real
data to back it up is wrong.

Let's keep the minimum, minimum.


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