[Ansteorra] Pottery questions ad absurdum (was: question for potters)

Marc Carlson marccarlson20 at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 29 12:23:59 PST 2006

>Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace sirlyonel at hotmail.com
>Salut cozyns,
>...Second, I'd like to see a reference supporting Torquil's claim that, 
>"all clay has lead in it if it has been mined from the earth." Even if I 
>believed this (I don't--lead is not ubiquitous), I'd want to see evidence 
>that said lead content was high enough to be a health concern.

First, I am not disagreeing with you.  I will suggest that there maybe a 
confusion from the possibility that much of our topsoil has been lead 
impregnanted (down to as much as 6 inches I'm told) from over a century of 
industrial burning, and nearly that long of leaded gasoline burning.  Of 
course, did they tell us that while they were telling us that lead paint was 
bad for us as children?  Nope.

I will agree though that since you generally don't make pottery from 
topsoil, this wouldn't be as big an issue anyway.


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