[Ansteorra] What's an AoA mean?

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 05:17:47 PDT 2006

A very astute observation Lady Elizabeth. An Award of Arms bestows upon
you the rights and responsibilities of being a Lord or Lady...

to have one...be one...

isn't that a line from a Rocky Horror song ....don't dream it be it...


(and we're Amazons...we don't have to kiss up to our relatives to be valued by them, ya don't have to explain for those who wouldn't understand ;-)

Elizabeth Blackthorne <damsle_n_distress2003 at yahoo.com> wrote: When I recieved my AOA, I knew it was going to happen.  First was because the queen at the time called me "Lady Elizabeth" when I was waterbearing at a Crown Tournament.  After correcting her as politely as I could, I knew it was coming.  I then had a member of my group offer to help me make some really fancy court garb for an upcoming event.  I knew what was going to happen.  Besides, some well meaning people informed me that they put me in for it.  It was nice to finally be recognized for all I did, but I had been playing so long by then that I already considerd myself a "lady" and began to act like what I thought one would act like.  Maybe that is why it happened.  I have seen a few knightings that were that way.  His Magesty Aaron's was that way(no this is not a way to kiss up to the current crown, I have used this example many times when he is not on the throne), he was a knight in every way but title for a
 little while before he was knighted, at least 1 year.  I tell
 new fighters this and I guess it truly applies to any award, if that is what you strive for, become that, then you will get the title.  So the real question is not "What is an AOA?" it is "What is a Lady/Lord?"  This reminds me, I have an award rec to fill out
  Lady Elizabeth Blackthorne

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