[Ansteorra] First Event

Kaitlyn Mckenna mistresskaitlyn at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 12:02:50 PDT 2006

The event with Hillary's car was Five Star..also known as Mud Star.
The fighters had a lovely time of fighting in the woods, then comeing
out to dump the water out of their armor.
Court was held in the mud. Everything was in the mud. We gave up early
on trying to stay dry or clean.


On 9/25/06, Michael Silverhands <silverhands at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On Sep 25, 2006, at 12:58 AM, Stefan li Rous wrote:
> > On Sep 22, 2006, at 12:09 AM, BeckysQuilt at aol.com wrote:
> >
> >> Quest for the Mud...was that the one where everyone's cars where
> >> stuck in the
> >> field and we had to be pulled out with a tractor?
> >>
> >> Elizabeth D.
> >
> > Hmmm. That doesn't narrow it down very much. I can think of a number
> > of events which that describes. :-)
> >
> > Besides, why would you quest for the mud? There's often more than
> > enough of that to go around. Like in Gunthar's Gulf War. :-)
> >
> > Stefan
> It was a Black, White and Sort of Grey, if my memory serves. That's
> the event where a very nice man named David came along on Saturday
> morning with his tractor and rescued many who were stuck. (This was
> after Don Robert, et al, had spent much of Friday evening doing it
> the hard way, by hand.) He was thenceforth dubbed "Saint David", and
> apparently felt so welcome by us that he joined, took the name David
> St. David, and eventually became Baron of Ravensfort.
> Unless I'm mixing up events in my mind, that's the event where
> Hillary Greenslade's car bottomed out in the mud in the middle of the
> erstwhile parking field. A gang of "beefy young men" (and some not so
> beefy) (and some not so young) surrounded the car and manually lifted
> it out of the goo. I was the lightest and smallest present (which
> should tell you something about the beefcake assembled) and was
> unanimously voted on the spot to be the one to sit in the driver's
> seat and try to drive Hillary's car out of the mud... assuming that
> we were able to lift it out of the mud in the first place. Everyone
> lifted, the car floated for a moment, I carefully engaged the
> accelerator, and miraculously drove out of that sodden place to
> higher ground. Hillary told me later that she had a moment of alarm
> when she realized I wasn't going to just drive a few feet, and kept
> on going... and going...
> What she didn't know was there was *no way* I was going to let the
> car stop forward motion (if I could help it) until it was on solid
> ground again. :-)
> Michael Silverhands
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