[Ansteorra] First Event

george basore murray_kinsman at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 25 16:44:17 PDT 2006

  Oh, MY first was Namron's Beltane Games in 2000, at
lake Thunderbird.
  My kids brought me, and it was great from the start.

  During tthe evening, on saturday, Baroness Maleah
ppassed through our camp, and I offered her a cup of
coffee, calling her, "your Ladyship".
  Well she explained mt mistake, quickly, but
politely, and I thanked her for doing so. As I
explained that this was my firt event, she verbally
retraced her steep, and  VERY graciously, welcomed me.
  During our chat, she asked my proffession, and when
I explained I was medically retired from US Naval
Service, due to combat injuries, she expressed much
thanks, and admiration for my sacrifices for this
country, making ME feel like the honored guest.

  She and Ulf are, to this day very close friends of
mine. It was that first meeting with a "Brass Hat",
who was so gracious and kind, that sold me on the SCA,
and proved that Noble titles and nobility of spirit
are not the same thing, but in their case, BOTH are present.

              Ld High Adm Robert Haddock: Commander in Chief, Ansteorran Royal Navy(By Wind & Wave, This We Shall Defend)
  Cheiftain, Clan Haddock(Clann Abair Cach); Personal bodyguard, Triumvirs of House Lightning Mist  ;
   Shieldbrother to Lord Gunnar of Gunnarsstead; Nightwolf, Head of house-Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis, River's Run Chapter
  Ansteorra expects that we do our duty. You cannot do more, you should never want to do less.
   To do your duty is not to do all that is expected of you, nor is it to do your best. To do your duty is to do everything you can find that needs done, and do it exactly right. Then find more that can be done, and do it, also.

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