[Ansteorra] Talking in court

Isobel de Kirkbryde kirkbryde at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 29 19:19:37 PDT 2007

I remember once when Modius told the talkers to hush.  It was at a coronation. 

Frankly people talking is one of my pet peeves.  I understand the gift of gab -- have a touch myself.  However, I am hearing impaired and it is hard enough to hear what is going on in court without the competition from the back row talkers.  I'd like to see the talkers leave court, go find a nice corner somewhere and talk.  But, if you are going to be in court, exercise enough chivalry and manners to let others hear even if you aren't interested. 

Lady Isobel de Kirkbryde
Guild Head of the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis, Kingdom of Ansteorra
V-Scribe Canton of Skorragardr
Member of Clann Lochlan
Member of Clann Haddock
Member of House MOO
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