[Ansteorra] British "Medieval Archaeology" publications now online
Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya
zubeydah at northkeep.org
Mon Dec 10 09:40:20 PST 2007
I got this info from another list, and thought others might find this
The British Archeology Data Service has just posted 50 years of their
"Medieval Archeology" publication online on their website. There's about 15
articles per issue. The website address is: http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/
I grabbed some article titles from a random sampling of issues to give folks
an idea of what's there, and found topics such as:
- Notes on Jutish art in Kent between 450 and 575
- A medieval pottery inkstand from Byland Abbey
- Forum Ware. A distinctive type of early medieval glazed pottery in the
Roman Campagna
- Two 10th-century bronze objects
- A decorated axe-head of Viking type from Coventry
- An Anglo-Saxon ornamental silver strip from the Cuerdale hoard
- A fragmentary bronze strap-end of the Viking period from the Udal, North
Uist, Inverness-shire
- A study of cross-hatched gold foils in Anglo-Saxon jewellery
- Early Islamic pottery from Flaxengate, Lincoln
- Hierarchism in conventual crenellation: an essay in the sociology and
metaphysics of medieval fortification
- A neglected Viking burial with beads from Kilmainham, Dublin, discovered
in 1847
- Some examples of medieval domestic pewter flatware
- A reappraisal of Dinas Powys: local exchange and specialized livestock in
5th- to 7th-century Wales
- Gallici Nautae de Galliarum Provinciis' - a sixth/seventh century trade
with Gaul, reconsidered
- A drawing of a Medieval Ivory chess piece from the 12th-century church of
St Olav, Trondheim, Norway
- Continuity and discontinuity in the landscape: Roman to medieval in Sutton
- Anglo-Saxon double-tongued buckles
- The origin of the word 'keep'
- A new artefact typology for the study of Medieval arrowheads
- A medieval depiction of infant-feeding in Winchester Cathedral
- A viking-age harness-bow fragment from Cliffe, N. Yorkshire
- An early date for Ogham: the Silchester ogham stone rehabilitated
- Odda's Chapel, Deerhurst: place of worship or royal hall?
- An Anglo-Saxon inscribed fossil echinoid from Exerter Street, London? An
alternative interpretation
- An Iona of the East: The Early-medieval Monastery at Portmahomack, Tarbat
- Sweetness and Light: Chemical Evidence of Beeswax and Tallow Candles at
Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire
- Symbols of Protection: The Significance of Animal-ornamented Shields in
Early Anglo-Saxon England
- Recent Palaeoenvironmental Evidence for the Processing of Hemp (Cannabis
Sativa L.) in Eastern England During the Medieval Period
- Reflections on a '9th-century' Northumbrian Metalworking Tradition: A
Silver Hoard from Poppleton, North Yorkshire
Like I said, these are just a (fraction* of the articles posted.
- Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
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