[Ansteorra] Question 2/22

Clay Reid scafaelan at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 26 15:57:11 PST 2007

1.  I think it's absolutely important to use titles in anything that is formal and in most cases - anything that is informal as well.  Unless I know someone extremely well (and have been told not to use titles multiple times), I will always use titles if possible.  Even for people that I know (and may have been told not to use titles), I will most likely still use them in public (unless an special circumstance is realized) because I feel that it is the appropriate thing to do.  Like so many have said, anyone that has received a title/titles has worked very hard for them, paid their dues and has been recognized as worthy by the populace and the Crown.  I don't think this entirely applies to titled individuals - we should be respectful and honor everyone, but especially those people that have bled for us as a Kingdom.  There is a reason that these people have been honored.  Aside from serving and honoring these people in every action that we take (including those that we may
 not like - unfortunately, not liking someone is no excuse to not be respectful), utilizing their title(s) of office is something that should be done.

Respect is something that can be broken, but its practice is something that is hard to break.  I may love you or I may hate you, but you're still probably going to be called by your rank.

Stations and Offices are the same as titles to me.  People in stations or offices work hard every day (and generally for years at a time) to make sure that thing run smoothly for the Kingdom (even from the bottom up - such as Shire level).  If you give of your time, you should be recognized.  That's as simple as it gets - for me at least.

This may seem where what I've said has no importance when it comes to email because email isn't in person.  Email is still a form of communication that we all use over long-distance.  It's a form of keeping in touch and it should be handled with honor and respect just as if you were person.  Some studies show that people tend to say and do things via email that they wouldn't do in person.  Oddly enough, I think it's important for all of us to remember that we shouldn't say or do things in email that we wouldn't say or do in person.  Everyone's had experiences with "mis-fired" emails.  We really should treat emails like the person we're addressing is standing in front of us in real life (not in ASCII format) and we're surrounded by the entire Kingdom - because essentially that's the case. :-)

2.  Much like your previous question, I think that household affiliation and championships are equally as important.  I think our Society doesn't outwardly view households with as much fervor as much as possible, but I do think households are respected in some way - simply because they are an affiliation of people and exist.  Some households are easy to get into, some are not.  Some require having a close friendship, others require extreme work and dedication.  Either way, I think listing a household in an email isn't a bad thing.  I see people put affiliations and I see people leave them out.  I really think it should be up to the poster.

As far as championships go, absolutely.  It's not really an long-standing office or award, but it's definitely something to be proud of.  It's unfortunate that I see so many people that are scared to be proud - I think a balance is required in all things.  Too much pride makes you look pompous and too little pride makes you seem falsely humble.  Why should you not be proud - if the Crown and your peers felt you should be honored with an award, an office, or a championship of some sort?  I think there's some level of "wear-off" that happens in the Society where people are proud of their accomplishments and then over time the pride wears off.  I don't think people should be snooty about their accomplishments and I don't think people should be fake about them either.

If you've been honored, it's because someone respects you and the work that you've done.  To me, the quickest way to "slap someone in the face" is to return that respect by not being proud of the honor that you've received.  I think it should make you happy and I think it should make you feel special - if even for a split second.  That's what our Society is all about to me and I think a lot of people look at it in the wrong light a lot of the time.

Overall, email is a form of communication and just like the in-person form, I would use all applicable forms of address.  You may call yourself whatever you like, but if I know better, I'll address you with respect.  If you choose to list your titles, your ranks, your offices, your affiliations, your championships, etc. - all the more things for me to respect you by.

Maybe I'm weird, but it's all part of the fun of what we do. ;-)

Lord Radu cel Tinar
(formerly Faelan mac Eogain)

L T <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com> wrote: I've actually been wanting to bring this up for a while...

1. In your opinion when is it appropriate to use Titles, Station, or Office
on a list when signing an e-mail?

2. In your opinion when is it appropriate to list Household affiliation
or Championships, etc on a list when signing an e-mail?

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