Alden Drake
alden_drake at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 9 04:17:39 PST 2007
Another way to look at it, and possibly for why Kingdom Law was written this way, is that a Crown is won by right of arms. The person defeated in the finals didn't win, and so can't claim the throne by right of arms.
----- Original Message ----
From: Brian O'hUilliam <brianoftheloch at gmail.com>
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2007 11:35:44 PM
Not a stupid question m'lady- it is, in fact, a reasonable one that
deserves an answer and an explanation.
Kingdom Law states that Crown Tourney must be re fought. Therefore, just
appointing the runner-up as Heir would be in violation of the law. Or, look
at it this way: What if one of the fighters that the winner of Crown Tourney
defeated earlier in the list could have beaten the person who came in
second? They would have won Crown Tourney if the person who had to step
down down had not entered the list and now, they have, essentially, had the
Crown taken away from them.
Please remember, I am in not speaking specifically, just providing some
reasoning behind the rule.
Also, if you plan to enter Crown Tourney and have not already registered,
please do so before hand so that the list can begin as early as possible.
Links are up at www.ansteorra.org.
In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam
On 11/8/07, Alice Morrow Harris <AliceMorrowHarris at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Greetings From Alina Unto All:
> On the crown heir issue, instead of another crown tourney can't the
> person who fought Patrick Michael in the final round take over as
> second in line? Kinda like most contest, when the winner can't
> fulfill the obligation the second in line takes over.
> Just Curious & Just Asking,
> Alina
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