Lori Campbell
countesskat at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 11:49:29 PST 2007
> Pug, the Kingdom Seneschal confirmed:
> we decided not to require Bordermarch to
> pay the normally required split.
Yay for common sense! :)
And a big VIVAT to Barony Bordermarch for agreeing to share their event
when the kingdom is in need (this kind of generosity and service being
typical of that group...)
Its always interesting to see the different viewpoints on yielding
during Crown Tournament. Although the sword oath doesn't strictly say
"I'm competing with the intent to win" I've always felt that phrase is
implied. Especially since anyone with enough tenure to compete for the
Crown understands the privilege of ducal prerogative - specifically the
part about entering the tourney to influence the outcome, with no
intention of winning.
Sure, we all know people who enter for the experience of fighting in
Crown Tourney, and others who enter hoping to make the path easier for
someone else. Neither should preclude the idea that they are also
willing to serve as Crown and that they are going to give every fight
their absolute best. Any less seems to be claiming a privilege they
haven't earned and giving Ansteorra less than our most prestigious
tournament deserves.
~ Countess Kat
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