[Ansteorra] SCA Vocabulary (was CROWN HEIRS-STUPID QUESTION)
Kristi Johnson
kristi_johnson1972 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 06:12:53 PST 2007
I kinda like the "traditional" terms not so much for
the tradtional reason but more because many if not all
are unique to the SCA.
Airports have gates, the State Fair has gates, but
only the SCA has Trolls...and friendly ones at that.
Thora O.
--- Charlene Charette <clclists1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hedwig/Melissa wrote:
> > As a cook I prefer head cook or feast steward...I
> really don like "ocrat"
> > anything to tell the truth. Event steward seems
> so much more reasonable and
> > isn't any harder to say.
> >
> > Just my two pence...
> >
> > Hedwig
> >
> >
> I have no problem with using more appropriate terms;
> however, having
> chaired many events I can say that for some I was an
> Event Steward and
> for others I needed to be an Autocrat.
> --Perronnelle
> --
> Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become
> coated with grease,
> your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.
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