[Ansteorra] Some Great pictures of Seawinds Defender this weekend/ Inglside Faire

medicfem at aol.com medicfem at aol.com
Mon Oct 29 00:08:54 PDT 2007

Greetings Ansteorra,

Lady Dyrfinna of Seawinds posted some great pictures of Seawinds Defender this past weekend!


For everyone that was there! Thank you! The weather was perfect this weekend! The company even better!

AD: Looking for actors and Thesbians for Henry II?style Feast ( Baron Thomas of Bryn Gwlad playing Henry the II, Baroness Jan playing the Persian princess, Mirabelis's?Fire Fans, Jesters, Drummers, Dancers and bards) 

NEEDED: French King and/or Queen - must be poofy and pretty *attitude required, German King and Queen - Must be Bold and Loud *More attitude required, Italian King and Queen - must be Artrisocratic and appear devoted to the Holy Catholic Church *more attitude required?and *** lots of Heralds needed! Think Lion in Winter turned horribly bad for poor Henry as his advesaries show up unannounced to tell him how to eat a feast! The free form?dialog and bickering between "the Royal cousins" is highly encouraged. Some staged patrons availiable! Insults a must! This is a faire's feast for a 150 people! We need your help!

Come watch Baroness Jan get carried in with drums and Fire fans blazing! LOL 

Iris and Rose work the seating crowd for an hour before the first course goes out!

Oh this faire is going to be fun! Come in under the SCA for free, free camping, free food and drink all day in the SCA camp, Fighting and Equestrian demos all day Sat and Sunday! Glorious Saturday night?feast to those that participate at the feast! If not participating in Sat. feast, there will be food availiable at camp... you know... sandwiches, PB&J, soup ... but if you come help this poor desperate feastocrat out by acting or help serving?or heralding ... its?wine soaked pork tenderloin Baby! Oh yeah! Lots of Wine! Lots of Brew!?Same thing those 150?people are paying $25 a plate for!?Mmmmm Good! <Wigggling my large German brows at you, Big appreciative smile on face>

No hats required! Period attire a must! Guarenteed to be a Fun and laid back for a?non for profit Faire. 

It is supporting the?City of Ingleside Chamber of Commerce! Who are supporting local non-profits like the boy scouts, churches,?and the local SCA group, Shire of Seawinds. This is our biggest yearly membership drive.

Interested? Curious? 

Contact me! 

HL Caley
Feastocrat Ingleside Ren-Faire/ Seawinds Demo
medicfem at yahoo.com

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