[Ansteorra] Hear ME! Noble Saxons! Be Not Fooled by Norman Lies!

clternus clternus at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 29 15:47:11 PDT 2007

Hear you all of Saxon Blood!

Earls and Thaegns! Housecarls and Witaen! Ready yourselves, Your steel, Your linden shields and Your ash-wood spears!

William (self proclaimed "duke" of Normandy) has dared threaten the Rights of Our People to rule this land that we have held for generations since Hengest called us to defend him beside noble Vortigurn!

We defy his so-called "claim" to our throne-based upon a forced oath on hidden relics. An oath made in duress is no oath at all! Why not even the Pope Himself (May God Bless his Holy Office) would uphold so treacherous an act. Besides, brave Saxons- all know that our beloved Edward the Confessor's Deathbed charge to me was, "Harold be King!" And even the Holy Church recognizes that a King's last words succeed any other.

The Normans are a threat to all our Saxon ways!

Yes, even a GREATER threat than the Danes!

For while the Danes are a harsh people- poorly lead by a foolish king all too easily swayed by our traitorous brother Tostig; the Normans are power-mad brutes who love only war and hunting. (Why I doubt that their petty Duke William can even READ this missive, let alone understand its deeper meaning.)

To that end (for the benefit of our uncivilized neighbor, who dares threaten the sovereignty and Holy Right of Our Reign), I call out to whatever servant reading this to William to tell him boldly:

Hear Us well Norman Lord:

Angle-land's Sons and Daughters will NEVER bow to the bastard son of a tanner!!

So say We,


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