[Ansteorra] So: How Strong Were The West's Defences?
dragonetti at generich.com
Thu Sep 6 16:52:37 PDT 2007
Greetings Val,
My apologies for the delay, but I have been somewhat reluctant to reply. You
see, Their Majesties, our most fair and just Sovereigns, were, quite
surprisingly, not all that pleased with me. In fact, it seems I was a bit
presumptuous in my endeavors. While His Majesty Ulsted was less irritated at
seeing His Western forces rally valiantly and answer my call, He did inform
me that I had overstepped my charge by taking it upon myself to call for
such a test in the first place.
Upon the day, the forces of Bonwicke and the West stood across the field
from the forces of Elfsea and her allies, but before we began....Her Majesty
Ebergardis, brought a third contingent, which she herself commanded and
.....well.....let's just say.....she whooped us all!....Soundly!...She then
took pity and decided to let the test play out. So she split her forces
between Bonwicke and Elfsea. (Thank you, thank you.)
Elfsea, by a small margin, was victorious in the heavy, chivalric endeavors
(melees and tournament) as well as impressive superiority upon the Archery
field. One of our youthful prodigies, Gavin the Younger, bested all of the
adult archers, including Elfsea's own Don Sebastian Frobeshire, in the
finals. (Well-done Gavin!) However, Bonwicke and the Western forces excelled
in the light, rapier endeavors, as well as the Arts & Sciences, AND the
service points! Though I'm still not sure the Chinaman, Baron Chiang, fully
understands our western system of accounting. In all, the war points went 6
to 3 in favor of the West. So...happy day....my work here is done. :-)
While it is true that I am indeed quite fond of the West, I fear the King
felt perhaps I was a bit *too* fond of it and maybe even a few other areas
as well. But believe me, I want to shout it from the mountain tops, the
benevolence of Their Majesties Ansteorra!!! in sparing my life and that of
my lady. In addition, They have mercifully granted us an extended period of
convalescence, to contemplate our (mostly my) transgressions. During our
penance, they have found trusted stewards in Centurion Daire de Haya and
Honorable Lady Druinne de Salesberie to serve in our stead as the next Baron
& Baroness of Elfsea. Congratulations, and if you ever feel threatened, just
let me know.
I do want to thank everyone who had a hand in this coup d'..er,..event. To
Their Excellencies Bonwicke, for their patience. The autocrat, Baron Chiang
and his staff, who did an enormous amount of work behind the scenes. Thanks
to my baronial cousins and their loyal populaces for assisting in this
enterprise. Thanks to my ladywife, Baroness Ameline, for not killing me
before the event started. Thanks also to Master Caelin & Lady Ker Megan of
Taransay, for organizing the Saturday evening meat, beans and potato salad
and transporting Elfsea's Big Blue pavilion. Thank you Lady Ascelyn of
Glentwyrd for organizing my archery contingent and providing breakfast and
Arc d' Or Fearghus for your support and more. Thank you also to Lady
Elspeth, Lord Gearhardt, Gavin the younger, Lord Lochlan, Centurion Daire,
Caitlin, Mistress Stella, Lord Justinian, Baron Crandal, Lady Janie, Lord
Eoghan, Lord Angus de Ruthven, Lord Ravenger, Lady Aingeal & Laird Cairel,
Lady Adelaide, Don Sebastian, Count Romanius, Sir Asoph, Lord Seannan, Lady
Simone and no doubt many more, who helped with various things from fighting,
food prep, serving, keg duty, setup/teardown, court heralding, photos, water
bearing and so much more. I cannot thank you good gentles enough and I know
I've missed someone. (Please remind me.)
In evening court, we invited all to throw a dart at an oversized map of
Ansteorra, to determine where our protection will next be sent, or at least
to insure their readiness. Someone suggested that perhaps it was this that
agitated the Crown. Surely not!?!? Nevertheless, our scribe has recorded the
destinations and we shall soon be posting the full slate of who goes where.
I do recall that Duke Hoegaarden's dart landed in the Map Legend,
specifically on the symbol for Cantons, so he will be "protecting" *every*
canton in the kingdom. Well done indeed, Your Grace! :-)
<My that's certainly a sharp looking weapon you've got there Your Majesty>
Ooo, look at the time....gotta go.
In the service of kingdom, crown and barony, I remain,
HE Armand Dragonetti
"Bloody" Baron of Elfsea
(for just a little bit longer)
Post Scriptum: Please come visit us at Elfsea Defender on September 22. I
suspect I may be on urgent, *extended* business in a land far, far away
following that date, but I sure would like to see everyone before I
go....really.....I've got an offer thou cannot refuseth. :)
> From: John Yates
> With regret at not being there, and curiosity, plus
> enjoyment of the persona-paly that went on preceding
> the event, with people returning fm the west;
> How strong were the west's defenses? How was the
> event?
> Val
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