[Ansteorra] Flash Photography at events
Jean Paul de Sens
jeanpauldesens at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 21:20:24 PDT 2007
Actually, it's "Invulnerable Shield of Oz!" (doncha just love the oral
It's a wonderful story of love, romance, danger, high adventure, and
ok, well it's not really that, but it's a good story...
Zubeydah, I'll tell you the story this weekend if you'd like :)
Jean Paul (who was there :) )
On 9/11/07, Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya <zubeydah at northkeep.org> wrote:
> Fatthiopap Laszlo raises some very good points about the beauty of oral
> history, and the 'gosh did you see at court, when...' Alas, these
> stories
> are lost over time, and as the participation of the witnesses ebbs and
> flows. He referenced three stories: "Michael of Monmouthshire riding into
> court on a shield a la Surfboard, Sir Emrys' knighting, The Impervious
> shield of Sir Erasmus, and others. " I've been participating for six
> years
> here in Ansteorra -- I've never heard any of those stories. (I would love
> to, btw.)
> But when I am able to reference a photograph of what happened in a court,
> it's far more likely that I or others will hear those stories - there's a
> visual cue for people to respond to, rather than relying on memory or the
> telephone game of, "I heard such and such happened".. I've been actively
> soliciting such stories for several years now, and it's rare that anyone
> is
> willing to provide such a description. It tends to get boiled down a dry
> recitation of awards, and little else.
> Take for example, the court at Namron's Beltane. I could show you: A
> bard
> was called into court and asked to perform a specific piece. Many in the
> audience were visibly moved. Moments after he finished, the Laurels were
> called forth. The Crown asked if he would accept a Peerage. The bard,
> with
> the gracious consent of Their Majesties, half dashed, half stumbled in
> shock
> to where his lady sat nearby. He swept her up, holding tightly to her
> hands. He asked her consent, knowing it would affect her life, too, should
> he accept. She granted it, and he embraced her. Or, I could tell you:
> "Finnican was asked to join the Laurels, and it was cool."
> I wouldn't have wanted to miss that moment, and through a camera, I was
> able
> to share it with others. The story is told clearly, in images, and with
> additional snippets of words. Shared with all who couldn't make it, who
> will
> never meet anyone who was there, or even from other Kingdoms who know and
> care about this bard.
> Most courts occur in the evening. Most evening courts require some form of
> artificial light. A flash takes all of a second's interruption, to capture
> a
> moment for participants and friends, Peers and others from across the
> society. Why rob them of the ability to share in that moment?
> Waxing loquacious,
> Zubeydah
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