[Ansteorra] Demo at Corpus Christi Museum/ Columbus ships
medicfem at aol.com
medicfem at aol.com
Tue Sep 25 23:36:39 PDT 2007
Greetings Seawinds,?Coastal region,?Ansteorra, and Friends!
I spoke with Sandra Lieberman on Tuesday morning at the Corpus Christi museum. I didn't realized the museum was so beautiful! Wow! how it has grown! They need our help?friends to raise funds to maintain and enclose the deteriorating Columbus ships. They are hoping we bring a good draw and are advertising our participation.
I need a list of those that will be attending either day - Oct. 6th or 13th between 10- 5pm. The SCA gets in free but I need you on a list. So contact me ASAP to get on the list even if you are not sure right now but may be able to give an hour of time .. let me know!
They are not asking much of us and appreciate any and all help for the two days - Oct. 6th and 13th. They offering shade and tables. We will bring Gott cans to drink and some munchies. They need us to demo during their hours of operation between 10-5pm. I need a set up crew on both days there by 9am to color the plaza with heraldry.
Oct. 6th will concentrate on Arms and Armor in the time of Columbus. Lady Catriona (prand at swbell.net) will be organizing the SCA this day and needs your help.
They are looking for a rapier demo, heralds, color, and arts. They have inside and outside space for us to use. We are looking at setting the list field within "the pit" at the back plaza area. So fights will take place right next to the Santa Maria. The ship is surrounded by a railing that we can attach the list field ropes to and visitors can look down unto the fighting below from a safe distance. We can also use the ropes and banner along the balcony and stairs for color.
There will be a large 20 X 30 pavilion set up for our use. That they would love to have arts and sciences displayed. We can have pieces of armor, swords, and chain maile displayed there along with a Seawinds/ SCA reps. and artisans.
They don't want any verbal dissertations... so I not sure Cyrus?how your plague paperwork will fit in. Maybe a research display board would be best and being available under the pavilion to answer questions? Maybe the play the plague game?
Oct. 13th Is Life of a Sailor.. Life on a ship. I will coordinate this day for the shire and need your help.
We could have displays of period costumes, rapier fighting or chiv fighting. I will try to make a board showing documented Sea travels through the periods, again we need people to sit a hospitalers table and displays for this could be the weapons, knots, any and all experienced sailors urged to attend... any and all to be seen would be wonderful color. More use of heraldry and Sea shanty music would be wonderful! Viking and Roman friendly! We need someone to do chain mail under the pavilion and talk about armor and scurvy.
Late period garb is preferred but not required both days.
Please?Friends I know this is a lot to ask coming into tourney season and our shire event is but two weeks away?but this would be a wonderful recruiting tool for us. We could ask newcomers to come to our event for free and try out the SCA but they need to see who we are! Besides the back drop of these truely amazing ships is a sight to behold!
These events are geared to Historical nerds like us! I got to say I was truely impressed with the museum and their willingness to work with us on this and future ventures is wonderful! They have offered space for us to hold dance practices amist some wonderful period artifacts on Tuesday nights.. Catriona's husband is on staff there at the museum and it feels more like family in need of our support. I personally think the Columbus Ships are just soo?cool and we need to help anyway we can to preserve them.
Additional information on the museum can be found here:?
I am proud to be a part of the Grand Shire of Seawinds,
HL Eleanora Caley ( called Caley)
(medicfem at yahoo.com)
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