[Ansteorra] [Stargate] Stargate/Loch Baronial Championships

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 15:07:43 PDT 2008

Oh, you're concened with winning.....

Lord Lochlann Dunn was named the Stargate Chivalric Champion by Baron Ihon
Drake Metzger von Ratzenberg was named the Loch Chivalric Guardian by Baron
Don Tristan von Heidelberg was named the Stargate Rapier Champion by
Baroness Isabeau
Lord Cael MacRob was named the Loch Rapier Champion by Baroness Katya
Master Francois la Flamme was named the Stargate Archery Champion by
Baroness Isabeau
Lord Frederick de la Costas was named the Loch Archery Champion by Baron
Lady Katharyn Clatworthy was named the Stargate Equestrian Champion by Baron
Mistress Janet Morningstar was named the Loch Equestrian Champion by
Baroness Katya


On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Michael Gunter <countgunthar at hotmail.com>

> > Lady Hedwig von Luneborg created an original scroll (her first) for the
> Loch Chivalric Championship, Lady Anne atte Rydeforde created an original
> scroll (also her first) for the Loch Rapier Championship, and Lord Brian O
> hUilliam and Karl Neuman painted the beautiful charters (originally created
> by Lady Mahearra) for the Loch Archery and Equestrian Championships.
> >
> > Vivat to all the fine Loch and Stargate scribes! :)
> >
> > Sara
> How about someone announcing the folk who actually GOT those
> nice scrolls?
> Guntha

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