[Ansteorra] Ansteorran geography (was: Pyromaniacs Unite!)

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 05:12:26 PST 2008

At 10:41 PM 2/11/2008, you wrote:


>So I have
>been researching potential locations within a reasonable
>drive from Raven's Fort, which is where we are moving to.
>And to that end, I have some questions.  First: could
>someone please tell my geographically challenged self where
>Rusk or Cass counties are?  And where is LLano?  I do know
>where the Guadalupe mountains are, but how long a drive is
>it from Raven's Fort/Stargate to get there?

Google maps is your friend. Llano is about 75 miles west of Bryn 
Gwlad (Austin), or about a 4 hour drive from Ravensfort.

Rusk County is north and a bit east of Huntsville, about 133 miles. 
The county seat is Henderson, which will give you a name for Google 
Maps to chase.

Cass County is also north and east of Huntsville, but it's most of 
the way to Texarkana--about a 4 hour drive. The county seat is Linden.

So... in terms of proximity, Rusk county would be the shortest drive. 
In terms of finding folks to go on an expedition with you, Llano 
might be a better bet, since it's near Bryn Gwlad and Bjornsborg.

         -Tivar Moondragon

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