[Ansteorra] Please share your favorite memory of getting Largess

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 13:02:04 PST 2008

I have gifted and been gifted many times in the SCA...

I think my favorite gifts of appreciation that I received were a pair of chrystal earrings hand made by HRM Conal's ladies-in-waiting...I was a Peer and especially as a Pelican...so often service I have given is taken for granted...
because it's "what Pelicans do"... it was nice and very unexpected to receive the token; also... 

Not long before I was a Peer, but already a Court Baroness, I received a gift of two semi precious gems from a lady that I had befriended because she was a good person, to me friendship with worthy people is it's own reward ;) but her heartfelt words along with the gems gave me great joy. 

Hmmm then there was the little silver deer charm and the banner with my device on it that people in my household gave me for my support of them...

Thinking about it... it's not the gifts (though they are nifty) it's the heartfelt acknowledgment that I've helped someone somehow... that I enjoy.

I've also received a number of gifts that were given as a purposeful creation of obligation.  If it's an obligation that is understood and acknowledged by both parties then I accept the gift... if I feel that the person's expectations of the exchange will be beyond what I could honourably obligate, I now either refuse the gift or if it would create more disharmony to refuse... I pass that gift along to others who need largess ASAP... 

Personally... I don't give gifts requiring obligation and I don't give them "lightly". 
I give gifts of appreciation. It's so kewl to give a gift that has significance to me... or to add to the history of an object by passing it along to a worthy person...and watch the "light" grow and shine in someone...to make their day, to appreciate their worth or contribution...

L DeerSlayer

Elizabeth Blackthorne <eblackthorne at gmail.com> wrote: My favorite piece of Largess was a rose given to me by our Queen at the
time, Cateau d'Ardennes.  I was waterbearing at a Crown Tourney and it was presented to me for all my hard work.  She addressed me as Lady Elizabeth Blackthorne at which time I responded that I had not yet received my AoA, and imagine that, at the very next event I attended, I became a Lady of Ansteorra.

L.Elizabeth Blackthorne
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