[Ansteorra] Event Locations

Richard Yeager chuymonstre at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 2 19:33:42 PST 2008

I just received the latest issue of Black Star.  There is at least one full-paged "ad" for an up-coming event.  The event name is listed along with  autocrat contact information and driving directions.  No where in the ad is the sponsoring barony listed nor the "city" where the event was being held.  My lady had to google the camp ground listed in order to determine the event will be held in Oklahoma.

This is not an isolated case.  Every issue of the Black Star has announcements for upcoming events where the event location is no clearly listed.  Sometimes I recognize a frequently used campground (especially if it is in my region).  Sometimes it requires internet searches to figure whether the event is in Texas or Oklahoma (or elsewhere in a few cases).  I recognize that we are relative new-comers to the SCA, but it would be helpful if the announcements/ads were a little more clear on where the event is supposed to occur.

<stepping down from my rant box>

Cuan mac Niall

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