[Ansteorra] Silent Auction at Candlemas

Elizabeth Crouchet elizabeth at crouchet.com
Wed Jan 30 20:41:46 PST 2008

Candlemas Silent Auction for  Bryn Gwlad's Baronial Guard

There will be a silent auction of many SCA items at Candlemas. The
proceeds will be used to further the activities of Bryn Gwlad's Baronial
Guard. There will be a Sword and Dagger set in the Auction so be sure to
check it out.

The auction will open about 9 AM and close by 3:30PM so be prepared to
pick up your items before afternoon court.

We will also accept donations of items to include in the auction if you
wish to donate them early in the day.

All items will have a buy-it-now price as well as a minimum bid
requested. So, bring your check books and your cash!

Thank you all for your support!

Captain Claire Shayhan
Bryn Gwlad Baronial Guard

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