[Ansteorra] Group Status Changes

Kelandra Kelandra_C at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 16 05:21:10 PDT 2008

What is done is done, the BOD has spoken and there is little chance to get 
them to change their mind. The issues, whatever they were, made it all the 
way up the chain of command to the BOD, which is like a legal case going 
before the Supreme court. All appeals have been used up, the verdict has 
been made.

Many of you feel hurt and I empathize with you but I think those of you who 
are venting again about these issues might want to take a few deep breaths 
and then rethink all this ranting. For those people of Ansteorra who were 
affected by the changes in the west try looking at what your situation 
really is...You don't have to fill out reports, you don't have to attend a 
lot of boring meetings, you don't have to drive 2-14 hours to an event 
unless you want to, you get to get together with your friends and neighbors 
and enjoy the SCA together free of a lot of paperwork, I don't know about 
the rest of you but that sounds pretty good to me.

How you got here may leave a some resentment but for now if I were you I 
would be enjoying the freedom to have a revel or an off calender event in 
just the company of my friends. If you can succeed at slowly building and 
growing from that small start you may be able to rebuild a local group. 
Start with the basics: having fun, learning and playing together the rest 
will follow. If it doesn't hey at least you can have a good time trying. 
This approach will provide you with a lot more satisfaction and a lot more 
support than railing against the past. Please I emplore you stop beating 
this horse and try a new avenue to meet the end goal you appear to be 
seeking which is to return to having an official local SCA group.

Ian Dun Gillan
Baron of Northkeep

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