[Ansteorra] Group Status Changes

Deborah Wade rhiannonferchcian at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 16 12:56:55 PDT 2008

Genefe Kruse wrote:
> In Alden Pharamond's response....
> "In addition, the SCA is regarded as far more of a "fringe" group in
> these areas than in, say, HOUSTON. (I actually had one Lady ask me (in
> a frightened voice) at a Demo if this was some sort of religion...) That
> makes it difficult to recruit. The attitude is pervasive...even in a
> city  that has 3 Universities (Abilene... but they are all *Christian*
> universities; with all of the built-in repression and intolerance that
> image  invokes.)"
> Gee, I couldn't guess why someone from the one of those  universities
> might be hesitant to get involved.
> I don't know what I dread more, the firestorm this highly offense post
> could cause or if it doesn't cause one at all.

Yes, I was highly offended by this.  The above-cited words are
indistinguishable from those of an intolerant bigot.  Such people are best
ignored unless they actually start acting on their bigotry.  Revelation of
such prejudice renders suspect everything else that person might say, so I
promptly ignored the rest of his post.

Just my opinion, of course.

  Miles Grey
  Christian and Brewer

I am in a unique position to respond to Don Alden's comments.  While I have never lived in a large thriving Barony I am one of the founders of the Shire of Bonwicke and have also lived in Shire of Brad Leah and now in the Shire of Rosenfeld.  
I have known Don Alden for many years and during that time I can say without any qualm that one his best characteristics is that when he is passionate about something he will express his opinion (generally rather loudly).  He speaks from the heart often without stopping to consider the way his words will be received.   I have never known him to be inflammatory on purpose, but he often is due to his personality.
The Western most region of Ansteorra has always had and continues to maintain a personality of its own.    The people of the “Region” work closely together to hold what were regional events before Ansteorra had administrative regions because the area is mostly rural or has rural feel to it even in the more urban areas.  We thought nothing of piling five people in my car along with armor, weapons and a couple of looms and driving to Blacklake on moment’s notice because they needed help with a program and didn’t have enough people.
When the Administrative regions were formed I was one of the Great Officers and we talked about splitting the area between the Northern and Central Region, but decided that it would cause hard feelings if the area was placed into different administrative regions despite the low population density.   The division that was discussed some fifteen years back has occurred and the concerns that were expressed are coming to pass in that people do feel hurt and betrayed by the Kingdom officers and Crown.  I have spoken with the current officers on this topic and I do not believe there was any malice on their parts simply an attempt to take paperwork burdens from overworked people who were having difficulty maintaining a full slate of officers.  As in the past the population density is still low in that geographic region compared to the more urban areas of our Kingdom.   
I have found it more difficult to recruit people to the SCA in Rosenfeld than I did in Bonwicke.  
As is true of an area that focuses primarily on petroleum and agriculture as the two primary industries, the people as a general rule are very conservative in many of their views.  That said I also found more people per capita willing to explore history and to look at the SCA as a viable pastime in that region than in any other part of Ansteorra.  The people who find the SCA in the west and move to other parts of the Known World or who remain there are passionate about the SCA and its activities.  Quite often they are also holding at least two sometimes three offices to get everything done with the release of the administrative region the people will be able to focus on their passions within the SCA which is what drew them here in the first place and not the paperwork. 
I know that if people truly want to participate in the SCA they will find a way.  They may not have an official Barony/Shire/Canton within 100 miles but they might have 4 to 6 friends with 10 to 20 miles that can get together once a week or so to do arts or fighter practice and then may once a month or however their budgets can handle it go to the nearest official branch for their arts day/fighter practice business meeting.  
Gee awesome! No offices to hold; no paperwork to do; no official responsibilities.  Just have fun and give the "Dream" a chance come back to life in your heart.   
Mistress Rhiannon fech Cian

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