[Ansteorra] Kings College awards and thank you's

Julie Cunningham juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 11:45:53 PDT 2008

Good evening everyone
The following good gentles received awards from Their Majesties this past weekend at Kings College. Chiara Francesca Arianna d' Onofrio received a Court Barony, Duncan Hepburn received the Iris of Merit, Hanna van Dahl and Miles Grey both received a Sable Crane, Sara Penrose received the Queens Glove and Modius von Mergentheim received a Kings Gauntlet and Queens Glove. Congratulations to you all!
I wanted to bestow my gratitude to our co-stewards of Kings College, Lord Dietrich and Lady Viviana, for doing a fine job. To Lady Regan, Lord Faelen, Honorable Lord Alasdair, Sir Morgan, Lady Annwn, Honorable Lady Katya, and Klara - thank you for serving on staff. To those workers from Steppes and Glaslyn and all other areas mentioned before in previous posts, and to any who may have been missed, a most heartfelt thanks to you all.
Special thanks goes to His Excellency Daire and the people of the Barony of Elfsea. You all provided pavilions as well as an army of workers to help set up and tear them down. It would have been very difficult without your assistance, good friends.
Thank you Your Majesties for the opportunity for the Steppes to serve the Kingdom in this capacity.
Baroness of the Steppes


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