[Ansteorra] Thank you

Sir Giotto di Giovanni sirgiotto at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 17:34:03 PDT 2008

The boxes are unpacked, my feet are recovering and I've managed to
catch up on a little sleep.  :)

Now is the time to look back over the memories of a wonderful War and
give humble thanks to all those in big ways and small who helped me
with the daunting task of being responsible for the safety of over
three thousand of my closest friends.  The long hours you put in,
coming at the last moment to fill shifts, staying up way past
reasonable hours, giving of yourselves and your time.  Your numbers
were legion and I would embarass myself if I tried to name you all.  I
hope that I was able to give each of you my thanks at War.  If I did
not, forgive me and bring it to my attention.

I am indebted to you all and hope to repay you all in kind.

I owe no less thanks to those that packed my camp, fed me, and stayed
late waiting for me to be able to leave.  Thank you.

Constantly awed by those in this Kingdom,


We are knights. We are professional killers constrained by a code of
conduct that turns murder into both art and service. -- Duke Cuán
MacDaige (Atlantia)

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