[Ansteorra] Fundraiser - Please help!

ksullivan6 at cox.net ksullivan6 at cox.net
Mon Oct 20 21:06:37 PDT 2008

As one of her former apprentices, I will donate a nalbinding item such as a hat, mittens, socks,or bag of the winners choice.
Mistress Alix Tiberga
---- Bill and/or Terry Smith <wc-tjsmith at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> Greetings Ansteorra!
> As you may or may not know, Mistress Anastacia Travarre ('Stacia) is ill and in the hospital.  She has been hospitalized for over a month.  Medical bills are piling up to say the least.  Mistress Adria and I are coordinating a fundraising raffle at Eldern's Samhain event this weekend.  Chances will be $1.00 each.  We are also in need of donations for the drawing table.  The generosity of Ansteorrans is legendary, so please come and support this noble and worthy cause.
> In service,
> Master Artorius ap Caradoc et Mistress Adria Lorelle
> PS:  Mistress Adria is also offering to do 10 min. hand massages for the paltry sum of  $5.00.  Again
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