[Ansteorra] Gas Prices/Gouging II

John Yates valstarr_hawkwind at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 12 15:18:43 PDT 2008

   I heard back from the Governor's press guy and they and the A-G's offices in OK seem to agree that the emergency declaration made kicks the anti-price gouging law into effect.

   I work in southeast OK, and while a couple of places went up 10ish cents today, there's still one or more places in McAlester OK to buy regular unleaded gasoline at a little under $3.50 a gallon.

   The gov's press secretary mentioned that the first media to jump on this was over in Arkansas, which brings a thought to mind. I'm a moderator on a Christian website, and a member there from Arkansas wrote today of gas having gone way up.

   I thought the number was a typo (I think it was like $4.69 a gallon.) However, if Arkansas media are checking around with Oklahoma, there might be a possibility that some places in Arkansas might be much higher than what we are paying here in OK & TX.

   Be safe wherever you are this weekend, is my prayer.



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