[Ansteorra] Winner of the Black Star Coverlet

Irena Fridenberg rubberduckiemom at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 16:10:52 PDT 2008

Greetings Ansteorra!

Lady Pheobe Hotham and I are happy to announce the winner of the Black Star
Coverlet is Mistress Elisaveta af Isefjord.  She will receive the coverlet
by the end
of February.

We want to thank every person who purchased a chance; your money will go to
a worthy cause - The Black Star!  I have not received the grand total as of
moment, but as soon as I know, I will let you know.

Thank you once again and congratulations to Mistress Elisaveta!

Lady Katrine la Esclopiera
Province of Mooneschadowe
Kingdom of Ansteorra
S-E-R-V-I-C-E. Smile, Eye Contact/Body Language, Respect and Welcome,
Value the Magic, Initiate Guest Contact, Create Service Solutions, End with
a 'Thank You'.

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