[Ansteorra] OT:online lists...the good...the bad...and the ugly

Judie Willey littledragon0861 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 05:34:26 PDT 2008


Just an update...Torquil and I are ok so far (the good)

While we will be "lurking " on the lists you may not often see posts
from us((he bad)

And now for the ugly...and - do mean UGLY!!!

We found out very recently that someone (and yes..we know you are
doping it Mrs. Deanna Lynn Patrick Willey Green of Palmdale,
California) has been stalking us via the Ansteorra and Steppes Lists.

This is the same person who was contacting Steppes and Kingdom
Officers and posing as an officer of the courts for Los Angeles CA to
make derogatory remarks about ius and to try to elicit information
about Torquil and myself.

Should you receiove any contact from this person, or similar contact,
please do not hesitate to contact me off list as we need this
information to prosecute for stalking and harrassment.

I apologize for the necessity of this post to the lists.

Hadassah and Torquil

Rebbe Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi

Dragon's Laire Ceramics
"dragon's breath to fire our kilns"

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