[Ansteorra] October Black Star

HE Kainin Tepesa kainintepesa at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 26 09:37:30 PDT 2008

Greetings Ansteorra,

I want to apologize to you all for the rather shoddy bindery work on the October issue of The Black Star.

I returned from vacation to discover that the books were stapled and trimmed rather poorly (at least the samples that I have and the ones that come to my house). Because of the deadline I was working with prior to leaving for vacation I was NOT able to print this issue with Madelena in Bjornsborg and instead used a local printing source. This was not the printer that I have used in the past (with the black and white covers) but one that had a good reputation and I felt safe using . . . sadly I was mistaken. I am currently working to seek recompense on this sub-standard work, but that will not fix the books that you all have received and for that I apologize.

I hope to get back on track with the November issue and return to the quality that this Kingdom's newsletter deserves.

In service,
Baron Kainin
Kingdom Chronicler


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