[Ansteorra] Elfsea Defender Dinner by the Lyst Field

Daralynn Brittain elspeth013 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 29 07:19:27 PDT 2009



At Elfsea Defender this year, we will be having Dinner by the Lyst Field.  Bring your BBQs, camp stoves, take out, or a dish to share, and enjoy dinner by the lyst field as the entertainment goes on.  You may tempt everyone's taste buds by BBQing behind your lyst field pavilion, or by the pot simmering on your camp stove.  


If you choose not to bring your own complete dinner, you may bring a dish and share it with others.  There will be a spot provided for the "Pot Luck" dishes.  If you have "enough to feed the Ansteorran Army", then invite someone to eat with you.  Enjoy the fun as we watch the Bards perform, maybe some "impromptu dancing and drumming", a little fighting, perhaps.....Anything can happen.


If you have any questions, please let me know.


In Service,


Lady Elspeth 

Steward, Elfsea Defender



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