[Ansteorra] Children's Activities at Lochtoberfest

Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Tue Oct 20 07:00:06 PDT 2009

Yes, there will be Children's activities at Lochtoberfest!

One that the populace at Large should be aware of is based on an old  
tradition, predating Halloween, that the last fruits of the field had  
to be harvested by the end of October.  The rest was left in the  
fields for the beasts (or more faery spirits).  So, the children will  
be wandering, looking for those last "fruits" to fill their baskets.   
If you wish to encourage them, feel free to plan to bring your  
gleanings, and make them available to any child who is polite enough  
to ask.

Many of the children's activities are just as fun for the older  
Youths, who may join in, help out, or - after the smaller ones have  
cleared the "field" - take over and raise the stakes.

Also, our Brewer's Guild is preparing a "Lamb's Keg" - full of non- 
alcoholic root beer - for those to young or otherwise unable to  
imbibe the fermented drinks.

Remember to encourage our young artisans, scholars, and performers to  
enter the Children's A&S competition.

Come, join us for an All-Hallow's Eve you'll never forget!

In Service to the Dream,
H.L. Willoc mac Muiredaig

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