[Ansteorra] Armor at the "Texas Museum of Military History"?

Hal Siegel therion at therionarms.com
Sat Aug 28 11:07:55 PDT 2010

I've been doing web searches to find arms & armor in museums within a few 
hours drive of Austin.

Have been through the Bob Bullock Museum several times, and noted that 
most of the armor pieces there are on loan from the Witte Museum (San 
Antonio) and from the "Texas Museum of Military History".

Google searching to find that museum has been a confusing mess, with 
results indicating that it's in San Antonio, that it's in downtown 
Abilene, or that it's at the Dyess Air Force Base near Abilene; but none 
of the leads or map searches have actually proven this museum's existence.

My Google-fu usually doesn't fail me this badly. Does anyone know or can 
find out *for sure* if this museum exists and where it is?

                Hal Siegel - TherionArms

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