[Ansteorra] Fee Increase and other Business...

Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair donnchadh at cornelius.norman.ok.us
Thu Feb 18 10:55:57 PST 2010

On 2/18/2010 12:40 PM, Jay Rudin wrote:
> Ysabeau wrote:
>> We could have two fee structures, one for non-members and one for members.
>> If you are a member, you get a $5 discount. I've seen that work successfully
>> with other groups (why didn't I think of that before?!?!?). One of the
>> benefits of membership is discounted event fees. It is a perception thing.
>> The money going in the bank is the same either way, it is just how you
>> present it.
> We can certainly do this, but it's more than a perception thing.  The money goes into two different banks.  The NMS belongs to the Corporation, and is sent to California.  The site fee goes to the sponsoring branch(es), and stays in Texas and Oklahoma.
> Your proposal is quite legal, but is functionally equivalent to saying the local branches will pay the NMS for everybody.  Any local branch that's making a lot of money every year might legitimately consider this.  But those breaking even or losing money probably shouldn't.
> Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin
What she's talking about is really only a semantic difference, but one 
that is much more appealing to new comers.

For example, lets say right now you have a site fee of $10 and a $5 NMS 
charge.  A member gives the gate worker $10.  A non-member gives the 
gate worker $15 and later the group sends off $5 of that to corporate 
(actually it goes to Kingdom and they send it on to corporate).

What Ysabeau is suggesting is that for the same event we would post a 
site fee of $15 and a $5 member discount.  A member still gives the gate 
worker $10.  A non-member still gives the non-member still gives the 
gate worker $15 and later the group sends off $5 of that to corporate.

The only difference is that instead of a non-member feeling like they're 
being penalized with a surcharge, they see that there is a bonus to 
becoming a member.


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