[Ansteorra] Voluntary taggingMessage

Eule eule at ecpi.com
Tue Feb 23 15:40:11 PST 2010

Kat mentioned:
"To this day I can't reconcile a period model for medieval "masters of
service" much less how they took and trained people to serve.  If anyone
has any examples I'd be curious to hear about them."

To which Eule offers:
I've been especially fond of the period job titles of "Master Steward"
and "Master of the Revels" when applied to stewarding events...however,
I have not been able to find any specific references to those
apprenticing under them.  I would imagine, just like any other trade,
that the term "apprentice" would apply, but as to specific trappings
associated with that job, I haven't found something consistent.

Unus sed Leo

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