[Ansteorra] Injuries - Indoors vs Outdoors

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 04:57:39 PDT 2010

This type of comparison will be VERY difficult to do.

Many of the "injuries" that I believe most people are talking about are 
not injuries that get reported to a Chirurgeon. When I get a bruise I do 
not report it so there are no records. I do know that when I am on my 
feet on concrete all day, or if I run on concrete, my feet, knees, and 
back will get sore and hurt MUCH faster than when I am on dirt and grass.

There may be a way to gather some information but I do not believe that 
it is possible to gather all of it. I think it will come down to talking 
with a number of fighters in different areas that have practiced, 
trained, fought, and done events both indoors and outdoors.

YIS, Vincenti

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