[Ansteorra] Event Calendar

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 08:43:23 PST 2011

At 10:59 PM 1/1/2011, you wrote:
>Lady Elspeth,
>Being a college student costs a small fortune as well, I understand all to
>well not having access to the Black Star.
>To compound the problem, many event websites don't specify dates. It makes
>it fairly difficult when trying to decide on events:
>Dear Event Steward,
>I was thinking about attending your event later this month. After reading
>the event's website I have a few questions:
>What day is your event on? Where is the event going to be located? Is it a
>camping event? When does site open? When does site close? What are the A&S
>and bardic competitions mentioned on the site? Is there feast? What is the
>feast fee?

Are we operating in the same universe? Every event between now and 
Candlemas has a link on the Ansteorran Calendar 
website  (http://calendar.ansteorra.org/) which tells you the weekend 
it's happening. Clicking on those links gives addresses, schedules 
and site and feast fees for each of those events. I'll grant that 
*sometimes* an event's website is less-than-helpful, but those 
occasions are, in my experience, vey much the exception, not common 
practice. (And I've seen similarly bad event announcements in the 
Black Star--like the classic "see last year's Black Star for a map to 
the site.")

         -Tivar Moondragon

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