[Ansteorra] painting fencing masks

Elizabeth Crouchet elizabeth at crouchet.com
Tue Mar 29 13:37:39 PDT 2011

I *have* saved up the monies to buy custom made period gear only to have to
replace it with another piece of custom made period gear that also does not
end up serving me or fitting me or functioning correctly. Then I have that
modified and it still does not serve. Then I try to make do and it is
counter productive.

Then I fall back on the tried and true and 'invisible" non period mask or
epee guard.

That done, I am hesitant to spend yet more money on yet one more piece of
period equipment that I cannot use, modify, fix or remake myself.

You will forgive the cider I drink at an event, that being the only cider I
have had or will have all month. Money is hard to come by with many other
expenses of life taking priority, not to mention the costs of just getting
to the events. Being at the event is a celebration and I often tend to
embellish that accomplishment with a little treat or two. That helps to keep
me going while I am pinching pennies back home.

If I stopped playing SCA for one year, I could save up enough money to buy a
better kit all around. But I would still be in the same boat as to how to
acquire it.

Acquiring the period equipment is an admirable pursuit but it is not as easy
or as cut and dried as many seem to think that it is. Money is not the only
hurdle for many. It is often confusing and difficult to find appropriate
equipment that you can be sure of, and to shell out your hard saved extra
$400 on a piece of hardware that is only maybe going to do it's job is hard
to do.

So, pursuing ways to make the mundane equipment less intruding is a good
idea. Exploring those ideas is a good thing. Not all of the ideas set forth
will be good ideas in the end, but discussing them is helpful to getting to
better ones. Spending more money is not always the best solution or even an


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Dave W <wiselaw at comcast.net> wrote:

> Just a couple of observations:
>   Just a matter of
> setting priorities, but it makes sense to me to prioritize gear that looks
> and works well for what we do...
> Regards,
> Alexis
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