[Ansteorra] Pennsic Camp Fee

John Yates valstarr_hawkwind at yahoo.com
Sat May 21 14:05:55 PDT 2011

I've hesitated to post, but I did technically attend Pennsic last year (for four 
hours, and stayed a week off-site, long story).

I don't make many events, but I'm active on the Arnmour Archive website, and had 
some offers there. My work schedule means I can't guarantee  what what I may be 
called on to do, or where, two hours from now, so I don't pre-register anymore 
for anything ( I might make an excetion this year. ) So, I didn't pre-reg for 
Pennsic last year.

I was planning in camping in singles, near the Northshield encampment, where I 
had been invited to buy into their camp showers plan for $10 for the war. I 
thought it would be a wise investment. I was planning on coming and fighting 
with the Ansteorran contingent, and helping out with chili night, but illness 
prevented me much of the time.

I think it boils down to: is it an official (for lack of a better word) 
Ansteorran camp? If so, being an Ansteoran should be enough to camp there, 
without being required to pay what looks like a very modest camp fee, if those 
suppkies are available to all who camp under the Ansteorran name. Unless the 
Crown directs otherwise, then it would be an 'official' fee.

However, if it is not officially an Ansteorran camp (or pair of camps) then 
whoever is in charge of the camp should be allowed to set whatever fee they feel 
like, and people can either pay it or camp elsewhere.

I will admit to being put off a bit by the thought of havng to have paid a camp 
fee to sit by a fre and talk with people, but if it is a private encampment, 
rules are rules. There are some camps at Pennsic that you would almost have to 
break into to get into, and you might not like what happened to you after you 
got there!

For me this year, it woud cost me as much for fuel to go to Battlemoor as it did 
last year to Pennsic, unless gas drops a,lot more in price. It's also a long way 
to go, and have something happen to you in northwest PA. Still, there is 
something about the sight of the fighting area by the hill at Pennsic, that 
makes me wish to go there and get my fill.


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