[Ansteorra] iso european dancers ??

Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Tue Feb 14 09:08:09 PST 2012

On Tue, 14 Feb 2012, Randy Shipp <randyshipp at gmail.com> wrote:
> My wife and I would be interested in learning some simple, period,
> European dances here in the Steppes.  I understand there was once a
> group here that went its own way.  If there were people who wanted
> to learn, where can they find recordings of appropriate period
> music?

It's hard to learn dance on your own.  Dance classes at Gulf Wars may
be useful to you.  Some Bryn Gwlad dancers might be willing to make a
road trip some weekend after Gulf Wars.  If you're feeling ambitious,
maybe you can find a site for a local weekend of dance?

I very much like the Musica Subterranea CDs.  All the songs I've heard
are entirely danceable and they cover a lot of the common dances.

Some links that I have found to be of use, off the top of my head:
     I love that it has links to all sorts of reconstructions of dances 
     In particular, http://ieee.uwaterloo.ca/sca/CD-offer/ has links to
     the Tape of Dance collections, which are downloadable, and some
     others that I like (Saint Cecilia, e.g.)
YouTube.  With care: distinguish a recording at a Ren faire,
     which might be vigorous but adapted for an audience,
     from modern English country from SCA from ...

For those who have an abiding interest, there is the Ansteorra-dancers
mailing list,

Dankyn de Linccolne
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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