[Ansteorra] Offering help

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 18:25:08 PST 2012

At 02:38 AM 1/16/2012, you wrote:
>but the point is , to have manners,to show consideration, to act as 
>you wish others to act towards you ,to offer in the 1st place.
>too many times no one bothers to offer.
>and even if the lady is a fighter, she's still a lady and the offer 
>should be made.
>( in this day and age, with our aging core group, it doesn't hurt to 
>ask anyone if they would like assistance, not just the ladies ; )
>I was once yelled at and called sexist because I held the door open 
>for a " lady ", I now hold doors for everyone ; )
>the same applies to cleaning the site, especially the area you used 
>( camp, classroom, list field, etc. ) , before you leave an event .
>I would rather pick up a fully loaded bag of trash from every camp 
>site, than spend 20 min. at each camp picking up others cig 
>butts,booze bottles and candy wrappers.
>unfortunately, I'm usually picking up others loose trash : /
>just plain bad manners, a reflection on today's society where such 
>rudeness is considered " normal" after all someone else will surely 
>clean up after them like the  small children they are acting like......
>the modern world creeps in on all of us, but I believe that changing 
>" attitudes " have more to do with the decline in memberships than 
>anything other than money .( both expense, and lack of )
>flash camera's in court,  being in so much of a rush that people 
>forget to be courteous, cell phones ringing at feast, or court, 
>leaving a mess behind every where people go, forgetting to say 
>please and thank you.
>even personal codes of honor that allow such things as cheating, 
>rules lawyering,exceptions in case they don't like a person, etc.
>it seems that while we are looking much more " period, we are acting 
>much more " modern " , or in all likely hood, acting much more as 
>the period nobility really acted, instead of the " dream " nobility 
>we started out trying to become : /
>Be Safe , Be Happy, Have Fun .

Some years back, Robin of Gilwell posted a piece about how chivalry 
was dying. In it, he noted how in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 
nobles would hold tournaments striving to re-create the lost 
chivalrous world of King Arthur or Charlemagne. He also mentioned 
that one of the first newsletters he ever saw (thirty-some years ago) 
had a letter from someone complaining about how chivalry was dying in 
the SCA. His point was that chivalry is *always* dying, and it's up 
to us--all of us--to keep it alive.

         -Tivar Moondragon 

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