Alice Morrow Harris AliceMorrowHarris at austin.rr.com
Tue Jan 10 02:09:47 PST 2012

Greetings From Alina Unto All:

This year at Bryn Gwlad's Candlemas there will be a blood drive during the day at the event. The Blood Drive will be handled by The Blood Center Of Central Texas in one of their large self-contained bloodmobiles in the parking lot at the event. Donations will start at 11AM and  then continue at  every 15 minutes intervals until 2PM.

First time donor need to  to register their info online  before scheduling a donating time, at the following link:

Go to the following link to schedule a time for your donation: 

 It takes about 45 to 60 minutes from walking in the door to walking out. The donation process includes: a private medical-history interview, mini-physical, collecting a unit (about one pint) of blood and having refreshments. Almost anyone in good health (no colds or flu) who weighs at least 115 pounds and is at least 17 years old. 

All Donors should bring a photo ID or Driver's license. They encourage all donors to eat and drink plenty of fluids before donating. Some medications, medical conditions or risk factors may be a basis  for deferral. 

If you don't want to schedule at this time but would still like to donate between 11AM-2PM, they will accept walk-ins. Walk-Ins will still need register their info online if they're first-timers before the event and need to contact me directly at alicemorrowharris at austin.rr.com  so I can put you on the Walk-In list. I will coordinate with you and blood drive folks to fit you in the schedule.

If you have questions on whether you are eligible to donate your blood, the following link will answer your questions:

If you have any other questions or inquiries, contact me directly at alicemorrowharris at austin.rr.com.

Thank You For Considering Donating This Precious Life Resource,
HL Alina Mitchell, Candlemas 2012 Blood Drive Coordinator

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