[Ansteorra] Same-Gender Consort Proposal
Scott Fridenberg
fitzmorgan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 19:40:54 PDT 2012
If I recall correctly, in the SCA survey done several months ago, the group
with the largest percentage opposed to this was former Royalty. Its been
several months since I looked at it so I may be wrong about that.
Robert Fitzmorgan
Replying from my phone, can't figure out how to trim the post. Sorry
On Jul 18, 2012 6:41 PM, "Salvador Ordoñez" <salvadorthespaniard at gmail.com>
> I'd also be interested to know how many people who have served as Crown in
> any kingdom think that same-sex rules is a bad idea and how many a good
> idea…
> Salvador Ordoñez
> MKA Derek Harris
> On Jul 18, 2012, at 6:33 PM, Miles Grey wrote:
> > On 7/18/2012 12:42 PM, Rose wrote:
> >> This reminds me of a very funny comment I saw the other day. It said:
> >>
> >> "My armour is plastic. My sword is rattan. My shield is edged in nylon
> cord and rubber hose. My helmet is lined with blue foam. My boots have
> laces, rubber soles, and machine-stitching. I fight in rigid plates and a
> bascinet, but play a 10th century Norseman. Between rounds I rehydrate with
> pretzels, oranges and Gatorade. But I can't enter the lists inspired by
> another man, because that would be a departure from period.
> >
> > Save for the rattan sword, everything else is his own fault. You could
> be using proper quilted cotton and linen padding, using metal armor and a
> wooden shield, and rehydrating with barley water, and we would all
> appreciate your devotion to accuracy.
> >
> > So what's your point?
> >
> > Our goal is to be as period as possible for modern people who aren't
> actually medieval nobility with constant income from our lands . . .
> >
> > Oh, wait. You know that. You're trivializing an important issue in
> order to mock those who disagree with you, NOT making a valid point. Sorry,
> I didn't catch that at first.
> >
> > As I said last time this issue was discussed, there are plenty of people
> out here who aren't willing to speak out against the issue because they
> know people will ridicule them, rather than respect their opinions. There
> are a number of people who will leave the SCA if this passes because,
> eventually, they just get tired of each mundane-world cause du jour
> encroaching on the recreation on which they spend a lot of money, time, and
> talent precisely to get away from modern concerns, if just for a little
> while.
> >
> > Every group like the SCA needs a certain critical mass of participants.
> Maybe we who disagree on this don't belong in the SCA. That's the
> impression I get when my perfectly valid opinions are mocked and ridiculed.
> Keep driving away people who want to play and, eventually, you'll reach
> the point where there just aren't enough to sustain the SCA.
> >
> > People have choices on what to do with their time and money. When you
> ridicule their opinions, they keep quiet and just go away because what
> you're doing is telling them they don't belong and you don't like their
> kind. Keep it up. Some other volunteer group will appreciate it.
> >
> > Miles Grey
> >
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