[Ansteorra] (no subject)

Courtney Anderson kicker5157 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 20 19:13:53 PDT 2013

  Thank you everyone who came outto the Southern 
Regional Fighter Practice. Today, on short notice, with the help of most everyone there, we managed to raise 90 dollars (out of pocket change 
and some generous people), plus food items, that will all be donated to 
the Austin Capital Area Food Bank's "WEST, TX. Campaign". 

Due to the food banks discounts and bulk purchase ability, every $1.00 donated turns into $5.00 worth of food. So in one practice we raised about $450.00 worth of food, plus the food items being donated. All in all, fantastic job. 

Thank you 
everyone, and if you were not able to attend or donate today, remember 
to keep an eye out for our upcoming blood drive.


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