[Ansteorra] on leaving the SCA--

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner BurgBorrendohl at valornet.com
Tue Feb 5 17:00:15 PST 2013

No.   You are misunderstanding the discussion.    The comment was that 
someone expressing their opinion can draw instant, unthinking, knee jerk 
attacks.  And then you did exactly that.   The exact word chosen doesn't 
matter. Where is "treating our friends with respect" found in that?

No where in my wife's message did she say that she ever called anyone 
that or has 'fun' calling people any names.  RTFM - Read the full 
message.  Reply to the content not one specific word. Someone else used 
the term, 'innocently' and was treated much like my wife has just been 
by you.  If someone offends you don't jump down their throat.  That 
indicates you "don't get it".    Ask instead, "What did you mean by 
that?"  From there civilized discussion starts.

And thank you to both Miles and Sir Chang.   You...GET IT. Personal 
attacks made in public, for any reason, drive people away.

Now, hopefully back to the actual topic of the discussion.

With regards,

Damon Hroarson, Baron Borrendohl

On 2/5/2013 5:35 PM, Bree Flowers wrote:
> Okay, clearly I am being misunderstood. I really don't get it. I don't
> understand how one person saying "I should be freely able to apply
> this horrible moniker to my friends" and someone else saying "because
> it's both out-of-period and hurtful" is a bad thing. I didn't say that
> anything else in their message was wrong. Feel free to embrace the
> rest of it and enjoy.
> When someone says "not being allowed to use this hurtful term in jest
> is spoiling my fun", I'm put in mind of the popular kids in school who
> would have said that calling many of us "geeks and losers" (and worse
> things I'm sure) was just them having fun. If what you are doing is
> hurtful to someone else, and if fun can be had without it, then I
> don't get why anyone would defend it as "okay". It's not "political
> correctness" to say that the term is inappropriate. If you want to
> compare it to any modern movement it's more like anti-bullying.
> Because that's what is going on when you call someone a "period nazi",
> you're trying to make them feel bad about the thing that brings them
> joy.
> We don't call our friends whores, despots or murderers, so why do we
> call any of them nazis? I mean unless they actually were members of
> that political movement and participated in the mass genocides, in
> which case have at it.
> ~Astridr

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